Upanel Retaining Wall System
Posted by joanne.macgregor@hg.com.au BigCommerce on 7th Feb 2024
Looking for a smart and sustainable option for your next landscaping project? The U-Panel Sleeper retaining wall system is the perfect choice for creating a solid and durable concrete retaining wall. Designed with simplicity in mind, these sleepers are lightweight, made from recycled materials, and easy to install. Compared to traditional concrete sleepers, each U-Panel sleeper weighs only 44kg, which means they can be lifted by just two people. With no metal reinforcement inside, you won't have to worry about rust. Choose the U-Panel Sleeper retaining wall system to create beautiful and long-lasting retaining walls for your clients.
The U-Panel Sleeper difference:
- U-Panel Sleeper can be installed horizontally and vertically
- Lightweight, each panel is only 44kgs
- Environmentally friendly, over 50% of the raw materials are recycled (Fly Ash)
- Available in a range of textures and finishes, plus custom finishes are available.
Raw Smooth Finish
Natural Timber Grain
Rustic Timber Grain